‘This is a an adjustment opportunity’
- patient, mum, key worker and believer in homeopathy
A few weeks ago I was privileged to be part of a world wide seminar where experienced homeopaths and practitioners of different therapies got together to share research and personal experiences over the past few weeks. Although our practices vary we have all come across symptoms that seem to reflect our current situation.
Complimentary Therapies
I was extremely interested in the medical evidence that proved the effectiveness of Qigong, which has proved to not only support but also stimulate the immune system and the respiratory system.
This breathing is done by pressing the index finger on right nostril, breath in, then index finger on left nostril , breath out right nostril, then breath in... repeat this for five minutes.
Scientist have discovered that the nasal cycle practiced in Qigong corresponds with the brain function. The electrical activity of the brain was found to be greater on the side opposite the open nostril. The right side of the brain controls creativity activity, while the left controls the logical verbal activity.
The research concluded when the left nostril was more open the right side of brain was predominant, similarly when right nostril was more open the left side of brain was predominant.
The benefits of Qigong also include
1. Improves sleep
2. Great preparation for meditation
3. Soothes nervous system
4. Regulates body temperature
5. Clears and boosts energy channels
6. Enhances rest and relaxation- lowers cortisol levels and therefore strengthens the immune system.
7. Cleanses you lungs!! A daily five minute practice of morning and night of alternate nostril breathing is a great way to remove stale air and impurities from the bottom of your lungs.
Remember by oxygenating the lower lung lobes you will achieve an overall calming effect.
Join me and lets all breath properly.
As ever