seasonal updates
december 2020

The Common Cold

Change is in the air - condensation on the windows, shorter days with longer nights. Chilly air with wind knocking on our doors -
all indicative to the arrival of winter. With change comes the season of the common cold.

What are colds? Colds are the attempt by the body to express 'disharmony'. The body is given the opportunity for the system to discharge unwanted waste matter. It is also indicative that the person needs to slow down and rest. In some cases one needs to look at unexpressed emotional difficulties- colds after all share many symptoms of grief ie weeping.
A remedy to take.....
'Give Me a Fever and I Can Cure the Child' -Hippocrates

Fevers are often interpreted as the illness itself rather than the bodies positive response against the disease. Homeopathic remedies attempt to stimulate not suppress this response. But, as we have all experienced at one time or another (especially in the middle of the night) fever creates enormous anxiety- especially with young children and the elderly.

Homeopaths see fever as an important part of the healing process. If we, on a regular basis suppress with over the counter analgesics we also disable the bodies natural process in fighting infection and the ability to grasp the extent of the illness. The first thing to do when fever strikes is to see the patient is cool if the fever is making them uncomfortable. Sponging with tepid water or even a tepid bath is helpful. Make sure the patient has plenty of water - dehydration can happen very quickly. Food at this point is not a priority, as the body does not want to waste time digesting food when it is fighting an infection. When the 'crisis' passes make sure you re-introduce food that is light and easy to digest.. like soup!

See Nanas Chicken Soup recipe!

One of the major concerns patients have is meningitis. is an excellent website which can inform you if you have any concerns. As always, you can get advice from me on 01722580029 or or your GP if you have any concerns about the patients health.

 Fever Remedies....
When differentiating between the remedies observations of the patient will pinpoint particular characteristics or keynotes that will lead you to the most appropriate remedy.

*ACONITE: sudden onset from cold dry winds, patient is anxious and fearful.

*BELLADONNA: red face, dilated pupil and glassy eyes, patient feels restless and may start to hallucinate.

*FERRUM PHOS: flushed, hot face with hammering headache; thirsty.

*GELSEMIUM: aching, shivering, exhausted and chilly. Headache in the back of head.

A supplement to take....
Because many cold symptoms are due to excess mucous secretion, attention to diet is advisable in particular eliminating dairy and wheat products. Increase the intake of foods which are natural sources of vitamin C as fresh fruits and vegetables.. oh and chicken soup!

As ever,

winter recipes

autumn recipes